Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Fill out the contact us form or call/text Speech Compass at (386) 287-1388 to discuss your concerns and determine if your child may benefit from an evaluation and/or therapy services. 

Do you accept insurance?

Speech Compass is currently accepting Family Empowerment Scholarship (previously known as Gardiner Scholarship) and is in the process of credentialing with Medicaid (CMS). At this time, Speech Compass is an out-of-network provider for all private insurances. Payments will be made the day of service. We will provide you a superbill as a statement of your services. You can submit the superbill on your own behalf to your insurance company for an out-of-network reimbursement. We recommend checking your out-of-network benefits with your insurance company.

What ages do you work with and where are services provided?

Speech Compass works with children from birth to 21. We provide services in the area of speech, language, feeding, play, and pragmatics/social skills. Place of service varies. Some clients may be seen in the clinic, at their school, daycare, home or virtually.

Do you require an evaluation to begin services?

An evaluation is required before therapy sessions start in order to have a conclusive picture of your child’s strengths and areas of difficulty. The evaluation allows the therapist to create an efficient and effective plan of care targeting any areas of difficulty shared by the caregiver and noted during the evaluation process.

How do I know if my child needs speech and/or feeding therapy?

Please take advantage of the opportunity for a free consultation via phone where we can discuss your concerns and the therapist can share milestones that should be met when compared to same-aged peers.

Contact Speech Compass to discuss your concerns and determine if your child may benefit from an evaluation and/or therapy services.

Contact Us